Vase Flower Pink



Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Marta Nikolajenko on Unsplash

A beautifully arranged vase of flowers adds charm and life to any room. No matter what the season is, you can always get some beautiful flowers to decorate any room in your home. You don’t have to make any major changes in design for this particular decor idea. It isn’t too rough on your wallet either, especially if you enjoy gardening and can grow your flowers.


So if you want to create some beautiful floral arrangements to beautify your home and impress your guests, we will help you learn how.

Getting started with a flower vase arrangement

Before you arrange your flowers in a vase, here are some points to consider.

1. The purpose of the arrangement

Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Johanne Kristensen on Unsplash

You need to think about the purpose before you create a flower vase arrangement. One factor is the placement of the vase. Will you be placing it in the centre or the corner of a table? Are you going to place it against a wall? The purpose will reflected on the arrangement of your flower vase.
Another factor is the size of the room and the colour tones of the design there. If the room is large, you can use a large vase and cut the flowers to be tall. If you want a flower arrangement for your dining table, a smaller vase with decorative flowers that are not too tall would be appropriate. This will prevent the arrangement from obscuring the food or blocking people at the table from each other’s line of sight. While eating together, people should be able to see and talk to each other while having easy access to food. If you place an overwhelmingly large flower arrangement on the table, it will be a problem. However, this too will depend on the size of the dining room and table. Keep the colour tones of the room in mind and find something that complements the space or enhances the design.

2. The proportions of the vase and flowers

Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

The proportions of the vase have to be considered before arranging flowers in it. Each vase has a main focal point and a secondary focal point. It is usually recommended that the flower stems be cut to about 1.5 to 2 times the height of the vase in which they are placed.
The colours or tones as well as the size of the flowers also have to be taken into account while making an arrangement. For harmony in the arrangement, the colours of each type of flower should not differ from each other by more than 20%. Similar tones will help you create a more beautiful arrangement.

Choosing the right flower vase

Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : 五玄土 ORIENTO on Unsplash

Vases come in various shapes, sizes, colours and materials. Depending on the design of your space, the purpose of the arrangement and the mood you want to set, you can choose the perfect vase for any room.

1. Materials

Vases can be made of various materials like ceramic, glass, terracotta, cement or porcelain.

2. Shapes

Choose from different shapes like round, oval, square, long, etc.

3. Colour tones

The colour of your vase should be chosen depending on the mood you want to set, the tones of the room it will be placed in and the colours of the flowers you want to arrange. If you want to set a more formal or dignified atmosphere, get a vase in a monochrome colour like black, white or beige. If you want to add a preppy look to your room, use a pastel-coloured vase. If you want a vase that is the focal point of a room and adds a sense of fun, use a more multicoloured or colourful vase.

Arranging your flowers in a vase

Photo by : Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

1. First, select the flowers you want to arrange. You should keep the colours of the room and the vase in mind. Choosing in-season blooms will be more affordable and also feels right during that time of the year. You can also opt for flowers that are available all through the year like roses. Off-season flowers are a lot more expensive and need more maintenance.
2. Decide on the colours of the arrangement. You can choose a particular shade for all the flowers or stick to one type of flower in different colours. You can also mix different types of flowers in different colours but they should be complementary for the arrangement to look beautiful.
3. When you have selected the flowers, you can cut and prepare them. The tip of the flower stalk should be cut off at a 45-degree angle. The stem should be cut an inch or two from the bottom. Use garden scissors meant specifically for cutting flower branches since they will help you get a sharp cut without bruising the stem. This will help your flower last longer once you place it in water.
4. Get rid of any excess leaves for the stem. Pluck out extras so that your arrangement looks more put-together. Leaf removal is done according to how you want the flower arrangement to look. Getting rid of extra leaves will also help your flowers live longer in the vase.
Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Flor Saurina on Unsplash

5. Fill the vase with the right amount of water. If the vase is very deep, you can first place some pebbles, stones or sand in the bottom. The water level should be such that it does not submerge any leaves on the stem or the leaves will rot in the water and spoil the arrangement soon. If you have a preservative solution, add it to the water before placing the flowers in. You can also add a couple of drops of bleach if you don’t have a preservative solution since it will kill off bacteria.
6. Fill the vase with the right amount of water. If the vase is very deep, you can first place some pebbles, stones or sand in the bottom. The water level should be such that it does not submerge any leaves on the stem or the leaves will rot in the water and spoil the arrangement soon. If you have a preservative solution, add it to the water before placing the flowers in. You can also add a couple of drops of bleach if you don’t have a preservative solution since it will kill off bacteria.
7. Now start arranging the flowers in the vase. Work with the larger flowers first and work in a circle. Keep turning the vase as you add flowers in since this will help ensure that the arrangement is symmetrical. The height of the flowers you pick will depend on your idea for the arrangement as well as the proportions of the vase itself. You can choose to keep them all at the same height or arrange a one-sided show or even a 360-degree all-around arrangement. There are two main types of arrangements that you can choose from. One is where the flowers are arranged from the outside to the inside and another is where the most prominent flowers are arranged first before getting to the rest. In the second type of arrangement, avoid placing the prominent flowers too high or the visible stalks can affect the appearance of the entire arrangement.
8. If you are using a variety of flowers for the arrangement instead of a single type, pay close attention to balancing the colours and the types of flowers.

Tips for flower vase arrangement

Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Mariah Hewines on Unsplash

o Flowers should be arranged in a vase filled with an appropriate amount of water. This will allow the flowers to last longer and look fresh for an extended period.
o Any tool used during the arrangement should be clean. For instance, if you cut the flower stems with a dirty scissor, they can be infected by bacteria and thus rot quite soon. The water poured in the glass should also be clean and changed every 2-3 days. The vase should be cleaned every time you change your flowers as well.
o Sharp tools should be used to prevent the plant as well as the flowers from bruising.
o Use wire to keep your stems in place. Using a tape grid or chicken wire will give your flower arrangement more structure.
o Add some unexpected elements to the arrangement. Flower vase arrangement doesn’t need to be made solely of flowers. You can add some fun nature-based elements like branches, pine cones or even something like artichokes. Almost anything that grows in nature can find its way into an arrangement if you have a design in mind. Get creative!

Flower arrangements in vases for different spaces in your home

Now that you know a lot about flower arrangements, you can try doing one for each room in your house. Use the following examples as a guide to get started and soon you will be able to create unique ones from your imagination.

Living room:

Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Ellieelien on Unsplash

The living room is where the family tends to spend a lot of time together and also welcomes guests. An elegant and beautiful arrangement for this room can include white or pink roses, cattleya orchids or chrysanthemums. If you don’t want fresh flowers, dry flowers can be incorporated into your decor too. Pampas grass in particular is a great option that blends with most decor themes.

Dining room:

Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Cath Smith on Unsplash

The arrangement in your dining room will set the mood for your meals and can impact your dining experience. Use flowers that are appealing to the eye like daffodils, tulips or paper-whites.


Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Olia Gozha on Unsplash

Placing some floral cactus plants in the kitchen window sill can give it a lively atmosphere. Since kitchen windows tend to get a lot of light, cactus will thrive there.


Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Beazy on Unsplash

Bedrooms are where you go to rest and they should have a calm or soothing atmosphere. Your floral arrangements can set the mood for your bedroom. A simple and soft arrangement with flowers like rose or anthurium would be suitable. You can also choose to use dried flowers instead of fresh ones for this room.


Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

For a floral arrangement at the stairway, create a tall arrangement with large leafy plants like Hawaiian fern, Heliconia flower or Bird of Paradise. If you have some artwork hanging there, match the arrangement to it.

Home office:

Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Since workspaces can be quite stressful, you should create a flower arrangement that will help you relax and relieve your eyes. Onions are a great plant to keep at your desk since they grow easily and can be used for cooking. Classic white tulips are also a beautiful option.


Flower Arrangement Flora Art

Photo by : Christian Mackie on Unsplash

Most people overlook bathrooms but you can even add a beautiful arrangement to make this space inviting like the rest of your home. Since this room tends to be damp and dark, you need to choose the type of flowers or plants that would thrive in that climate. You can also opt for faux flower arrangements like silk flowers. This will add a beautiful but easy to maintain decor feature to your bathroom.
Now you can use these tips to make some beautiful flower vase arrangements and spruce up your home naturally. You can set the mood for any space with the right flowers and vase. It might be for a special event or it might just be to enliven your home with a special touch every day. Try out the flower vase arrangement tips we have mentioned and watch your home be transformed. If you feel inspired and want some help with flower arrangements for your home, give us a call and we can discuss some ideas.
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Original Article By : Karantee
Edit & Proofread By : Than.T
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